Wrapping windshield wipers was wiping out profits until Jamestown Plastics came to the rescue. TRICO Products Corporation is a major manufacturer of windshield wipers. As part of their packaging pack-out process, TRICO employees would wrap every pair of wipers in kraft paper and place the wrapped wipers into cartons. The problem with wrapping wipers is that it takes too much time and was a problem for the auto manufacturers using the wipers, both of which wipes out profits. TRICO initially looked at foam packing inserts as a solution but, while they reduced pack-out time, the inserts took up too much space. Enter Jamestown Plastics. We designed custom dunnage trays that eliminated the paper overwrap, enhanced product protection, and dramatically reduced labor costs for both TRICO and their customers. Get Started
TRW How a simple Ford F150 factory visit and an old machine resulted in substantial cost and time savings. While visiting the TRW factory that makes the headlight switch cover (this is the switch that gives you several headlight operation options, each of which is illuminated when selected) for the Ford F150, we observed a [...]
TRICO Technologies (retail packaging) How JP innovated retail packaging and reduced pack-out costs TRICO Technologies approached Jamestown Plastics to create a retail clamshell for their windshield wiper product line. They challenged us to eliminate all the traditional methods of keeping a clamshell closed such as plastic welding, snap locks, glue, and overwrap sleeves. Plus, they demanded that the [...]
Automotive When the console is an eyesore, cover it – and quickly! A major auto manufacturer had a shipment of finished vehicles on the boat headed to the US. But market studies showed they had a problem. It seemed that their console color scheme was not going to work in the US. Their solution was [...]
Tesla How Jamestown Plastics saved the day for Tesla, creating a hood liner that both cost less and weighed less. In their all-important introductory year, Tesla’s EPP foam supplier, responsible for making a hood liner for the “frunk” in a model S, was unable to meet criteria called out by Tesla and reached out to [...]